about me
name: peggie aw yen peng (hu yan ping)
D.O.B.: 21st august 19** (if u noe me well u should noe i how old too.. =X ) bloodtype: O+ ethnic: half thai half chinese icq: 52385590 irc nick: nuriko current wishlist: 1. manga of cuz ^_^ 2. cute mascots~~ like hp straps~~ anime or manga oso can~ 3. hmm... good paying job?? =P current fav movie: Pirates of the Caribbean, The Boss's Daughter, UnderWorld, Brother Bear My Japanese name is Megumi Aizawa. My japanese name is 長谷川 Hasegawa (long valley river) 弓美 Yumi (beautiful bow, as in bow and arrow). ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
B u B b L y D r E a M z
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*HUGS* TOTAL! give peg more *HUGS* Get hugs of your own |
wasted todae man!!! we tue end early.. abt 12:10 finish sch.. but we class taking fotos for making scrap book for mi teachers on farewell dae lor... then we took fotos til 13:30!! sooo long... can u believe that.. a few wacky poses la.. but was fun la~~ then they went ps to get the scrap book paper... mi promise to go chun hse la.. so~~ haha...
getting ready to go sch now... playing koc for a while b4 i leave home.... *kinda hungry now*
then cuz in the morning overslept abit so had forgot to bring the maths tys i wanna ask chun to teach mi one.. so ended up juz chit-chatted, slack ard... ate choco~~ then played ard... read mag til i fell asleep.. haha.. left her hse ard 18:00 la... now juz got home.. gonna back n miss the starting for todae's holland v lor... but cant be helped!! *hot n bothered now!!* kkz... moi friendster getting along fine.. but would be better if there's more ppl~~ hehehe... do join n add mi k?? =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:57 PM | 0 comments ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:33 AM | 0 comments hmm.... todae intended to devoted whole dae to maths... at chun's hse... but she got the urge to cycle.. so wat can i do?? wat's more mi passion IS cycling!! hahaha.... so she came over n we went cycling at ard 3pm... we cycled along singapore river to esplanade then to marina south then to somewhere near golden mile aka little thailand.... on way there.... alot of things happen.. damn funnie... there was one time a group of ppl sitting on the ground n their socks n socks behind them.. so the whole pavement is practically taken.. except for a small space between the shoes n ppl... one guy nearest the shoes was leaning back with his hands splayed on the ground... so to avoid rolling over his fingers.. i cycled abit to the right... but unfortunately... i almost ran over the shoes... but only ran over the socks from wat mi fren told mi later.... moi first reaction when i ran over sth was "SHIT!!" ............. -__-|| so damn embrassing... but nvm~~ i wun even noe those ppl there!! lol!!! XD yeah.. then on way home went to fish shop to get more fishies~~ got green tetra from the recommendation of an uncle.. he saes they look nicer than the neontetra i was intending to buy, when they grow up.. so nvm juz try then~~ but they're more ex.. $1.20 each!! >.< oh yah.. on way back oso stop at the arcade at marina square to play games.. ^_^ fruitful dae... but sadly no maths done... haiz.... ^^;; ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:50 PM | 0 comments OMFG!!! mi FREAKING spent TOO MUCH todae!!! ARGH!!! went to imee's hse to 'use' her jacuzzi wif ching n chun... in the end due to wrong info n misconmunnication wif the hotel mangament... we din get to 'enjoy' the jacuzzi.. instead we juz 'soaked' there.... mi n imee in the water while chun n ching out on the chairs.. palying cards by the side of the pool.... lol.. XD after that went imee's room to slack.. haha... crap alot.. laughed alot too~~ tok abt toopid stuffs too!! but was good la~~ then went to have dinner at the riverside hawker center first time there for mi.. hmm... like no other foodcourt.. juz that its not air-con.. -_-|| but nice food there.. hehehehe.... rojak ROX!! XD then went to great world city hoping to catch a show there.. but the timings were all too late.. ended up we went arcade for a while... wasted money there!! >.< then decided to go try tiong bahru plaza aka tbp (this for praga... XP) the party divided into two... mi n ching wanna catch 28 days later but chun n imee wanna catch the boss's daughter... in the end.... the boss's daughter won out.. -_- cuz they sae late at nite too damn scary to watch a horror flick.. wat rubbish!! hahaha.... so juz got back ard 11 plus.. oh yah... spent abt 25 bucks in total.... >_<||| -----------WARNING!! spoiler for the boss's daughter after this!!-------------- the show lasted abt 1 hr plus... moi think not worth the $8.50... but wat the heck.... lol.... amazingly... the show wasn't rated R(A) or NC-16!!! it's like so FILLED wif sexual innuedoes!!! argh!! CMI!!! haha... but i was like TAMADE-ing all the way... XD XD there's this part where tha main male lead was 'fondling' the breast of this blonde... cuz she suspects she has cancer..... then his other hand was on another gal to compare if they really have breast cancer... juz then the gal he fancy (the boss's daughter) opens the door n sees this scene (they all in the boss hse, supposedly house-sitting)..... he tries to explain but.. lol... then also another part that blonde n another guy fell into this fountain (did i mention that the boss veri rich??) n they come up.. the blonde like wet t-shirt look..... n the guy get the water off like sooooo gayish!!! >.< then oso alot of toking abt... wanking... n 'guns'.... lol!!! damn lame n funnie show... nice la... but not as good as pirates of the caribbean!!! ^____^ b ut this show nice cuz got happi ending~~ lol... and that whole show is actually only abt ONE DAY!! one LUCKY day for the male lead (dunno his name).. oh yeah.. the female lead kinda pretty too~~ reminds mi of buffy the vampire slayer.. blue eyes n blonde~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:46 AM | 0 comments shit overslept lor... damn!! then dun wanna be marked late... so din go sch in the end.. pia cab oso late kinda late lor... straight dc.. >.< then asked v to help mi collect mi chem.. wonder if she did... *no news yet from her* ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:14 PM | 0 comments same thing everydae... takes nap... aiyoh... waste the napping time man... could have did alot of other things... y!! somemore todae so cooll.. juz woke up bathed then ate medicine.. siala.. dinner still waiting... >.< hope tomolo can get back mi chem lor~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:00 PM | 0 comments been sleepy lately.. found out the reason y.. cuz the medication i taking is sleep inducing one.. haiz.. so now feeling sleepy too.. think i go take out contacts then Zzz.. napz awhile~~ =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 4:39 PM | 0 comments OMG!!! juz heard from the tv show, jacky wu guess guess guess show, he told a veri veri veri cold joke... i cant believe... -_-||| *alot of sweatdrops!!* ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:58 PM | 0 comments todae got back mi maths... die le.... i think i lowest in class... got abt 6 or seven pass oni.. somemore not good passes... >.< then mi ar... haiz.. no study where can i get?? i got 21/100!!! can u believe that.... -__-|| ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:04 PM | 0 comments
![]() You're Most Like The Season Winter ... You're often depicted as the cold, distant season. But you're incredibly intelligent, mature and Independant. You have an air of power around you - and that can sometimes scare people off. You're complex, and get hurt easily - so you rarely let people in if you can help it. You can be somewhat of a loner, but just as easily you could be the leader of many. You Tend to be negative, and hard to relate to, but you give off a relaxed image despite being insecure - and secretly many people long to be like you, not knowing how deep the Winter season really is. Well done... You're the most inspirational of seasons :) ?? Which Season Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:57 PM | 0 comments oh yah.. took green slip to see doc lor... polyclinic soooo crowded... but was give sooooo mani antibiotics man!!!! kaoz... n i gotta finish the whole course... got like 4 x 6 + a few capsules.... >.< swallow til i siao man!! but peg is a good patient~~ =P will eat ALL!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:13 AM | 0 comments hmmm... todae got back phy all the papers except paper 3... cuz juz took... still marking.. oni juz passed lor.. if calculating w/o the p3.. i oni get 36% lor... >.< then tomolo getting back maths i hope... gp still nid to wait til next week.. haiz... tomolo tue mi end early one~~ then the calss wanna go out... wanna la.. dunno will become gonna notZ... they so fickle one... will oni decide ON that dae.. juz had a burning marathon.. finished full moon wo sagashite *ps: kuku u happi??? hehe~~ ^_^* then din online lor.. din wan mi comp to lag too much ma.. >.< while waiting for it to burn was reading imee's manga lor~~ now at book.. 8 le~~ yeah!!ill got 4 to the end!! ^__^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:08 AM | 0 comments haiz... woke up ard noon lor.. then felt even worst... dun think i can go out todae.... haiz... hope wun get fever tomolo man!! there goes mi worms for mi fishes.. thought can give them a 'special' treat.. fresh food mah.. ^^;; juz cooked maggie mee lor... then going read the manga i got from imee lor.. at bk 2 now... the plot like veri familiar to other mangas i read.. but hope got twist!! if not sianz lor!! =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:20 PM | 0 comments haha.. forgot to mention... mi borrow 16 manga from imee she rented one... had to carry all the way home... sooooo heavy... -___-|| still feel sick now.. argh!! took medicine le still same!! i wan go out tomolo one!!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:43 AM | 0 comments i din watch naruto la.. but wat the heck lor... hahaha.... ![]() Which Naruto Character are You? quiz by orangeday.net ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:02 PM | 0 comments hahaha... juz went out had lunch wif imee at great world's yoshinoya.. there damn noisy man.. dunno y suddenly all the parents bring their children there to buy those running/skating shoes.. >.< then walked ard n went imee's 'new' or 'temperory' home.. hehehe... at ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:57 PM | 0 comments oh yah... forgot to mention abt mi phy p3 yesterdae... oso can die la... i like crap all the way... >.< ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:02 PM | 0 comments hahahahaha~~~ yesterdae din blog.... cuz after the phy p3 went out wif some classmates~ first we went ps then eat LJS there.. then walk walk there at the spotlight... after went wif v, jing, mel, liping n yiquan to great world city de OG cuz there got moving out sale ma~~ then after went tbp... walk walk there.. but most IMPORTANTLY went to CC!! hahaha... after saving for 3 mths at last i got enuff to buymanga~~ mauahahaha.. XD then at one shot bought 6 bks~~ each 8 bucks lor!! then 4 is continue mi series so now got one manga completed liao~~ kyaa~~~ then other two is two bks finish.. ^__^ then yesterdae once i reached home do finish things watch finish various tv shows... i juz lie on bed read, reAD, READ!! YEAH!!! then finished the series bk one.. now only left two manga to read le... =( haiz... so fast sia... *wish can buy more often..* >.< "I wanna work!!!" ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:50 PM | 0 comments -____________-||||| 1 miserable HR to do 40 CHEM qns... u think enuff?!?!?! its not those see le can noe ans.. its those kinda u have to draw out the structures to 'see' lor... <--organic qns... then where got time to refer to the Data Bklet... <--inorganic qns... then had to tikam a few lor... teacher sae no shading i still anihow tikam shade the blanks i got.... lucky no caught by teachers... think i going tbp later to buy manga n cheer miself up... XD but if fren not going n share wif mi... hmm... see see ba~~ ^^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:23 AM | 0 comments ARGH!!!!! killer paper todae!!! the chem p3 i did ar... noe i gonna die le... but the later paper... phy p2.... >__< CONFIRM die le..... dun even feel like going on fri to take phy p3... haiz.......... XP ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:24 PM | 0 comments haiz.... maths was BAD................ think i can manage to get 32 marks.... -__-||| siala..... haiz..... now gotta go start pia-ing for chem n phy tomolo..... can die man!! 3 papers in a go.... *pengz* ~Praise the Lord~ at 8:54 PM | 0 comments still havent study for maths.... tomolo wake up then study ba... damn.... >.< ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:46 AM | 0 comments hey~~ went n did this cuz merry did... mi result was kinda.... ^_^ ![]() My outercourse activity is snuggling! Which Sexual Outercourse Act Are You? (with pictures) brought to you by Quizilla ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:33 PM | 0 comments got this msg from mi fren... Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe. it's damn cool rite~~~ ^__^ we are such 'weird' beings... hahahahha...... XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:07 PM | 0 comments YoZ!! is everyone (those from band) going to the band anniversary ar?? chun juz called mi up tell mi to go.. saw mei han sat.. then she sae she dun wanna go leh.... >.< then i going lor.... lol... XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:38 PM | 0 comments did mi blog again lor.. din wanna post todae.. cuz like that the post in red will NOT be the first post then diff to catch attention lor!! hahaha.. siala.. if tomolo i still dun study ar.. CONFIRM will fail all mi subs man!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:58 PM | 0 comments guys plz leave ur bloggies url in the chatterbox?? i nid them to put into mi frenz bloggies there... thanx ar!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:20 PM | 0 comments argh!!! i've had it wif mi blog.... >__<|| now going bathe then watch the chi show xun yi cao... not doing blog liao... ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:26 PM | 0 comments haiz... at last chatterbox up le... still got tonnes to make.... damn... later ba... now go eat dinner then continue.... HAIZ~~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:51 PM | 0 comments DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mi template dunno wat the HECK happened it juz up n VANISHED!!! alll mi scripts i did soooooooooooo long all gone!!!! i din back up lor!!! FREAK!!! been at it a few hrs le... trying to redo mi bloggie... >_< will try to get mi chatterbox up ASAP then when u guys come can leave mi ur bloggies?? so i can add into mi links again.... this blog u looking at itsNOT done yet... i repeat.. NOT DONE!! ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:16 PM | 0 comments that was abit fake la... did like three or four times then got that... >_<|| but all mi ans one lor... juz diff ocmbi.. aniwae.. i got ancient civilisation, dark waters were the other two i got~~ ^^|| ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:08 PM | 0 comments
![]() You come from Heaven. You're the purest of pure, a saint. You're probably an angel sent directly from Heaven. Where Did Your Soul Originate? brought to you by Quizilla ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:07 PM | 0 comments watched pirates of the caribbean~~~ ^___^ its totally cool!!! everyone shld go catch it lor!!! hahaha... i like totally love the three main leads!! jonny depp as 'jack sparrow' <--he's sooooooo GAY!!XD then orlando bloom as 'william turner' <--sooooo SHUAI~~!! ^__^ oso keira knightley as 'elizabeth (forgot le...)' <--she's soooo CHIO~~!! hahaha.... *dun mind watching it again man!!* its that nice lor!! hahaha... ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:23 PM | 0 comments YOOHOO~~ mi juz got back from burning candles~~ muahahha.... so late sia.. no bus le.. had to WALK home from chinatown leh!! but got mi sis n bro too.. so okie la... wasn't THAT long... =P most of mi frenz hu went last yr this yr no go leh.. kinda saded.. but still got some old neighbourhood frenz la.. so was okie~~ fun in fact!! ^_^ first of was burn candles lor... then later went to basar malam wif mum to walk walk.. she bought mi n frenz chicken wings~~ then mi, sis, bro n fren took them back up to fifth floor lighted some candles n ate a candlelight supper lolz.... XD then after eating started to burn up fire for buring paper liao.. then at that moment mi fren sae.. "lucky mi bro sick so wun come down call mi go home..." juz then.. her dad came.... -___-|| so she had to go.. then we sae tomolo going watch pirates of the carribean together.. wif mi sis.. (huiching i at last going watch.. those frenz i was suppose to watch wif all not onz.. but nvm i still watching tomolo~~) so then we burned everything we din wan to carry home... candles, candle boxes, matchboxes wif matches, wooden sticks...etc. then last of all... juz b4 we left that area.. i threw in the lighters that i dun wan.. got abt 6 or 7 of them.... XP then faster walk away... wat happened was expected (cuz every yr i do that... =P) but still veri nice.. the lighters go POP!! one by one.. then the fire will be extremely big when it POP~!!! ^__^ nice ehh?? try it if got chance... hehehehe.... now think i gonna go Zzz la... maybe will play king of chaos awhile.. guys got rem to help mi click notZ?? =P oyasumi~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:20 AM | 0 comments hey.. if u guys free for a few secs ar.. rem to help mi click the king of chaos link at the left hand side one... or go sign mi questmap again lor~~ lol... sianz ma.... tonite not joing v n mi classmates they all.. cuz its a 'traditional practice' that i go back to chinatown's 'fifth floor' (wu lou) aka the playground there to burn candles n if possible paper... muahahahha... din call anyone up to jio them though.. hmm... maybe i shld sms a few to ask if they going.. lol.. but if they dun go i'll still be going wat... hahaha... ^__^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 1:02 PM | 0 comments yeah~~ EAT finished le.... so full man!! lolz.... but really we ate back wat we paid~~ ^__^ but wah.. like pregnant liao then walking ard.. haha.... after eating for three hrs... >.< we walk walk abit lor... hahaha... mostly its walk walk at comics connection!! hahaha... bought 2 on sale manga.. at home then found out one is the fourth n last bk of a series...... -___-|| haiz... then the other one.. i realised i have that author's manga!! was like thinking the drawing like so familiar~~ hahaha... oh yah.. todae met imee's the other significant other... din catch her name though... XD XD its a gal la... but they together their relationship veri 'suspicious'......... =P hahahaha.... i drank like sooooo much green tea todae at sakae!!! hahaha.... hmmm.. bz chatting now.. later back to see wat to add ba~~ =P ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:48 AM | 0 comments aiyoh... imee in sch!! >.< means oni mi n ching gonna be there first.. then she 3pm release will come join us... ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:47 PM | 0 comments at last!!! since no sch til todae... i first time wake up b4 noon... hahahahha... XD all cuz of big2.. i played til 4am!! >_< called imee but she no pick up hp.. then her maid said sth in indo tt i dun understand.. haiz... how to contact her??? flood her inbox meh?? XP oh yah... now mi really got the urge to buy brine shrimp for mi fiashes man!! soooo tempted.. but they're soooo ex... like small small bottle for 16 bucks!! >.< ~Praise the Lord~ at 11:43 AM | 0 comments found new webbie~~~ engrish.com click click~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:15 AM | 0 comments
![]() My inner child is sixteen years old!
~Praise the Lord~ at 1:17 AM | 0 comments yeah~!!! tomolo going eat sakae buffet wif imee, chun n ching~~ hahaha.. confirm tok cock alot one... ^__^ now sad news... mi juz....... haiz..... weight mi self... i fat liao!!!!!!!! argh!!!!!!!!!! die.... really no PE cannot ar!!!!!!!! XD ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:33 PM | 0 comments hehehe~~ todae mi sis fren came... binbin lor~~ ^_^ then he bought mi a belated bdae gift... a keychain saying "It's not P.M.S. I just HATE YOU!"... -_-|| veri suit mi meh?? =P but nvm la~~ its pink~~ hehehehehe... then slack whole dae again.. chatted wif cat for a while.. diff to catch her man~~ watching holland v now.. jaa~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 7:26 PM | 0 comments abt yesterdae.. okie started out met ken n kamui at city hall mrt then walked up wanna eat lunch at LJS but then no seats so they brought mi to this shop nearby called anime@hobby its like WOW~!!! there... so mani stuff abt anime n manga~~ ^___^ *heaven for mi* but then damn ex too.. haiz... saw this trading cards i wanna get.. but its 100 bucks per box lor.... then will have 120 cards.. confirm will have alot of same same one.. >.< then after we walked back to LJS then can eat le.. eat liao we walked to suntec thru city link.. then got commex cuz nid to buy cdrs ma.. then there sell 30 bucks.. but i tot sim lim sell more cheap so we wanna take bus there lor... then dunno how so we went to city hall control station n ask.. he sae go up turn left cross road walk diagonal then cross road to victoria st then take 851 there.... who can understand that directions!?!? haiz..... then we went into raffles city to ask at the concierge counter aka info counter.. n surprises of surprises.. i think she thought we were tourists.... -__- cuz she took out a MAP n lay out on counter n use pen to draw out how to walk...... -____-||| hahaha... cuz our small grp.. mi is half thai then ken is australian n kamui looks china... lol... XD then we walked to that stop found out 851 stop at the one further down.. so walk down.. then realilsed its near sim lim le... so wat the heck juz walk lor.. then reached there found out its cheaper at suntec... aniwae went to bugis village look for a new backpack.. saw one i liked.. those haversack kinda bag.. big but dunno if it 'pei' mi not.. >.< then walk to bugis mrt.. (mi die die have to get more cdrs lor..) so begged kamui to go back wif mi... we took mrt this time.. hahaha.. so.. that's y yesterdae i was damn tired!!!! haa~~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:49 PM | 0 comments aiyah.. in the end din nap... was playing game in mi comp.. long time no play one.. VOS aka Virtual Orchestra System~~ ^__^ now going orisinal to play games~~ hahahahaha.... ~Praise the Lord~ at 9:37 PM | 0 comments damn tired now..... walk alot alot alot todae... eyes closing le... go nap awhile... later bathed liao then come blog... *tired~~!!!* ~Praise the Lord~ at 8:32 PM | 0 comments aiyoh!! earlier tried to come here then got problem... >.< now then sis use til sian let mi blog awhile lor.. hahaha.. aniwae mi wanna go Zzz le.. juz wanna write down wat 'interesting' thing happened todae~~ i met chun, imee n ching at great world then after mi, imee n ching went tbp eat n walk walk..... okok... tired le... think i juz go into the MAIN reason y i wanna blog... after say goodbye to them i went down to the 7/11 there to buy i-weekly then................................ i saw a TRANS!!! >.< at cashier there.. at first see 'her' i was thinking she quite chio for a malay gal... somemore she abit jap look.. cuz her hair brown, short then clip like jap style... then when 'she' told mi the price... "two dollars" (in veri deep voice...) i was shocked initially.... >_< but then i pretend din notice... n juz pay 'normally' n went off.... kkz... that's all still got more like i bought another sucker fish.. but wanna go watch tv then Zzz.. so ciao~~~ ~Praise the Lord~ at 2:26 AM | 0 comments haiz todae no paper so at home lor.. slept damn late then juz now going 1pm then woke up~~ lol... XD then juz had maggie mee... wanna go out.. but lazy to change!! >.< maybe i should go cycle ard abit?? but now damn full.. wait wait later see see how lor.. maybe will have mood.. but todae fri leh.. scared go out then later than 7pm reach home.. todae holland v jing jing will faint ne~~ ^_^ juz now watched the nurse show on scv 55.. kinda 'interesting' the show... love love love one~~ =P then so cute their nurse uniform.. not liike ours in SGH one.. XP aniwae... now go irc slack slack lor.. play trivia there~~ mi game ar.... juz someone attacked mi while i was eating n looking after baby... stole abt 20,000 gold.. damn la!! was saving to 80,000 so i can upgrade mi defense to next level... >.< ~Praise the Lord~ at 3:30 PM | 0 comments hmm.. took the phy prac todae... this kinda dun nid to study one... but still... hope i can get full marks or maybe 2-3 marks to full marks.. >.< since mi maths n chem dying.. gotta 'kao' mi phy n gp le.. gp ar.. think can can... then so early release.. ard 1pm.. then wanna go bugis look at backpacks one.. cuz mine now lan le.. wanna go see see then if okie.. not too ex or ulgy buy lor.. but they all go eat sakae... i not so rich lor.. even if i eat there oso gotta be buffet!! then is money back ma.. lol.. XD singaporean style ne... in the end when to top up card at queenstown mrt but i juz alighted there so the bus 51 will take damn long..t hen i saw got bus 195 mi hse there got too.. so i asked uncle got go zion rd he sae got then i board... in the end.. it took sooooooo *bloody* long that i was Zzz... haiz.. tapao food for lunch cuz this morn i off mi snooze so half n hr b4 the reporting fren called THEN i woke.. siala... lucky was late for reporting.. not for the EXAM.. >.< then eat finish go toilet reslised i got diarrhoea... suay!!! oh yah.. got a few targets to buy.. but no $$ .... so now sooo wanna work man!!! >.< ~Praise the Lord~ at 6:08 PM | 0 comments juz burned mel's cd.. then test listening to it now on mi player... hehehe.. ^_^ owe her veri long le.. got one week le?? =P so paiseh.. hahaha.... dunno if she noes abt mi bloggie.. but then she oso no online aniwae.. ^^; haiz.. todae ar... maths prelim paper 1 lor.. die le.... din study.. SERIOUSLY then counted how much i CAN score... guess wat?? upon 100 i might get 18 if mi lucky... >.< *screwed it man* damned!!! paper 2 muz do damn good liao.. but paper 2 is like the most diff one lor... *mi can fail le....* hahaha.. i heck la!!! now burning anime.. kaoz.. mi overburn got problem lor.. cannot... haiz.. failed liao.. now again but one epi less lor.. under use mi cd leh!! think will go buy this weekend.. hmm.. gotta rem to ask joseph out.. hahaha... looking for bagpack at bugis tomolo i wanna... see la... mine now old old old old liao.. =P kyaaa~~~ new bag~~~ new bag~~~ *mi singing~~* ^__^ ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:32 AM | 0 comments everyone MUZ go here wor~~~ mi game: king of chaos (dun nid to reg juz go EVERYDAE) ^__^ now should be studying for mi maths prelim paper one later... but... haiz... i still slacking here.. confirm fail that paper le... hafta put 'hopes' on paper 2 then.. after the hols at least i wld have time to study then!! >.< ~Praise the Lord~ at 10:18 AM | 0 comments haiz... tomolo chem prac... hmm... going play game now... then later go read read abit chem prac thingy then go Zzz ba... >.< slack til now again... haiz... ~Praise the Lord~ at 12:46 AM | 0 comments design by may | |